Panchakarma – The ultimate detoxification, healing & rejuvenating procedure

Ayurved treatment is divided into two major parts

1) Evacuatory or Eliminatory treatment ( Shodhan)

Shodhan: ie Evacuatory or Eliminatory treatment helps to completely remove causative factors of many diseases (toxins) from the body and purify all the systems in the body. These treatments are also called as “Karma” or procedures. There are mainly Five Karmas and are also commonly known as “Panchakarma”

The main five procedures are as follows

1) Vaman - Biopurificatory therapeutic emesis.
2) Virechan - Biopurificatory therapeutic purgation.
3) Basti - Biopurificatory therapeutic enema.
4) Nasya – Therapeutic nasal root administration.
5) Raktamokshan – Therapeutic blood shedding or bloodletting.

As a preparatory stage for Panchakarma it is mandatory to first undergo other procedures ie

Snehan ( Oleation) and Swedan ( Perspiration)

Snehan is the process of oiling your body from inside or outside. Swedan is a process in which you are made to perspire using techniques like steam, hot rice etc.

2) Pacificatory treatment ( Shaman)

 Shaman ie Pacificatory treatment using Ayurvedic medicines. In Shaman a patient is recommended to consume ayurvedic tablets, kadha etc to treat his ailments



“Ayurvedayati Bodhayati Iti Ayurvedah”

Ayu - life, Veda – to know. The science in which we learn and understand life is called Ayurveda. Ayurveda is not just Indian traditional therapeutic system but it is also knowledge of life There is very detailed explanation about root causes of diseases hidden in our food daily routine, habits, nature seasonal changes in food and behavior.

002Although there is very good explanation on how to prevent diseases, how to clean our body systems and eliminate toxins out,you still suffer from some illness. In order to cure and control them we use panchakarma (cleansing techniques) and medicines.

We offer solutions to a person's illness through the following steps.

1. Consultation
Through consultation we can know the root cause of disease of the patient.

2. Guidance of Diet
How you eat, what you eat, where you eat, when you eat, how much you eat: these are very important factors as their effects on food and digestive system are the basic causes of many diseases.

3. Dincharya
Daily routine.Because of our job, business and party lifestyle, we do not get up early in the morning and do not go to sleep till very late at night. This has very bad impact on body and mind causing hyperacidity, headaches, migraine, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, insomnia etc. When in certain conditions you cannot change your timings or lifestyle, we guide you on how to alter and suggest solutions to avoid the problems generated by all these factors.

4. Rutucharya
Altering Food  and Physical habits according to seasons. Knowing about changes in our body, food, daily routine according to season is very important as we can prevent the onset of seasonal diseases accordingly.

5. Prakrutiparikshan
Body constitution There are three powers called Doshas i.e.kapha(responsible for growth, reproduction, union), pitta (responsible for maintainance of the body, digestion, metabolism), vata (destructing power, degeneration) that control our body and mind. Thus, our constitution is dominated by these three powers. When doshas combine themselves, they create different kinds of constitutions (e.g. kapha dominated constitutions, pitta dominated ones etc.). After examining we can determine one person’s prakruti and guide him/ her as for food, lifestyle, how to prevent diseases that could occur in the future and cure or control the present ones.

It is always necessary to understand a patient’s physical pain with deep rooted cause in his family, mind, social background, workplace. For instance, a backache patient can get relief from his pain with back stretching asanas and medicines, but also stress relief through relaxation, pranayama, Dharana and Dhyan. We need to guide the patient on how to face his/her problems and not to run away from them. It gives him/her a lot of confidence to overcome his/her problem and live life happily. Therefore consulting of Ayurvedic medicine and Yogatherapy for body and counselling for their mind, ego and intellect are given in our centre.

At Kshitij Centre we offer local treatments for general health and maintenance. These include

Oleation Therapy ( Snehan) 

There are various kinds of oiling procedures mainly named as ‘Snehan’

A)Internal Snehan – Having Ghee , oil or animal fat in various ways with medicine or food or in its pure form.

Benefits: It is used for softening and lubricating the body tissues. Its very helpful prior to detoxification procedures.

B)External Snehan – There are various ways in which to nourish, detoxify, energize and rejuvenate body, skin, senses, brain and mind through oiling

  1. Full Body massage ( Abhyanga)

(1) Oil Massage

(2) Herbal Powder massage (Udvartan)

B.Local Oiling of different body - This theraphy is offered to people who want massage for specific region in their body to either reduce the pains or stiffness or as an extension ffor their medical local massage treatment. Local oiling helps to relieve pain, stifness and also improves blood circulation and general suppleness of the muscles in those regions.

i) Head Oil Massage

ii) Shirodhara –

shirodharaShirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead and can be one of the steps involved in Panchakarma. The name comes from the Sanskrit words shiro (head) and dhara (flow). The liquids used in shirodhara depend on what is being treated, but can include oil, milk, buttermilk, coconut water, or even plain water.

Shirodhara has been used to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, greying of hair, high blood pressure, facial paralysis, Neuralgia, neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia, hearing impairment, tinnitus, vertigo, Ménière's disease and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. It is also used non-medicinally at spas for its relaxing properties. Shirodhara is a safe option to improve sleep quality among people who have sleep problems. Shirodhara is also effective in treating mental conditions such as anxiety, and mental stress. The calming effect produced by Shirodhara is similar to that obtained with meditation.This gives soothing and calming effect to the brain. 

 iii) Akshitarpan / Netrabasti – Eye cleansing and nourishing. Very effective in reducing dryness, fatigue or weakness in eyes and managing allergic reactions around the eyes

iv) Karna Pooran – Ear Care & Cleansing

v) Hrid Basti – Oil fomentation on Heart region

kati bastivi)Katibasti – Oil fomentation on Lumbar region. It offers quick relief from pain, inflammation and stiffness in Lumbar region.

vii) Jaanu Basti / Dhara –

jaanu bastiOil fomentation on Knee

Benefits : External Snehan is also called as anti aging treatment. It helps to reduce fatigue, relieves pain in the body, removes spasm, sprain from muscles, induces normal sleep, protects skin from infections by increasing immunity, improves complexion of the skin, soothens and enables the nerve & pulse to function properly, reduces swelling, varicosity of veins. Very helpful in curing or reducing discomforts in various disorders of bones, muscles & nerves like cervical & lumbar spondylosis, slipped disc, degenerative disorders, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, insomnia etc.


Perspiration Therapy (Swedan)

Swedan – Swedan is a process in which a person is made to perspire intentionally by means of steam, oil, decection, hot rice, sand, water, sunrays, exercise. In this detoxification is done by excessive sweating. Some commonly used methods for Swedan

1) Full Body steam bath in steam box - steam bathIn which the person is giving afull oil body massage and then put in a steam box to allow the oil to be fully absorbed by the body and the excess gets cleaned away due to the steam.

pinda swedan2) Pinda Swedan - In which hot pouches containing brown rice cooked in decoction or various herbal powdersor medical leaves, or sand are placed in afflicted areas.

pinda swedan3) Nadi Swedan – Local treatment with steam of water, decoctions of various medicines. It is medicated steam on affected areas. It is effective for giving relief in osteoarthritis, sprains, localized pain causedby cervical spondylosis, knee pain, ankle pain etc.


Benefits: Very effective to reduce pain, sprain, stiffness, tenderness from all muscles. It improves blood circulation, reduces Kapha. Its very effective for people having pains in back, joints, Asthma, cold, Hiccups, Obesity, diabetes, dry skin and related disorders like paralysis, myopathies. It also activates fat metabolism.

The detoxification and purification procedures helps to remove deep rooted stress and illness, causing toxins, bacterial or viral toxins, endotoxins.Free radicals, metabolic wastes, residual chemical deposits of pesticides and fertilizers.

They help to balance the vital forces of body vata, pitha and kapha.

It also helps to increase immunity, stamina, strength and complexion.

As panchakarma balances metabolism of body, it helps to normalize the weight ( in case of obesity weight loss and in very thin person weight gain )of the person.

1) vamanVaman – is a medicated emesis therapy. It helps to remove excess unhealthy kapha and toxins collected in the body especially respiratory and digestive tract. This is recommended to people with high kapha imbalance.

Benefits: Vaman is very effective in patients of Bronchial Asthama, chronic allergies, Vitiligo, psoriasis, hyperacidity, chronic indigestion, sinusitis, obesity, skin disorders, Psychological disorders.

2) virechanVirechan – is a medicated purgation therapy which removes excess or unhealthy pitta and toxins accumulated in the digestive system, liver and gall bladder. It completely cleanses the gastro intestinal tract from mouth to anus.

Benefits: Virechan is very effective for patients suffering fro diabetes, obesity, hyperacidity, chronic digestive disorders, skin disorders, rheumatic joint disorders, psoriasis, headaches, migranes, gynaecologicaldisorders, blood disorders, acne, psychological disorders, cardiac disorders and more.

3) Basti - is considered the mother of all Panchakarma therapies. It’s a very effective, easy, safe and non-complicated process. It cleanses the accumulated toxins of all the 3 doshas but mainly very effective in Vata dosha related disorders.

Benefits: It is very effective in all major Neuro, muscular, bone disorders such as spondylitis, arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, slipped disc, sciatica, joint pains, obesity, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, hormonal imbalance, infertility, sexual debility, chronic digestive disorders, constipation, cerebral palsy, old age related degenerative disorders.

4) Nasya - is a process where medicinal oil is administered through the nose to cleanse accumulated kaphanasya toxins in the head and neck region

Benefits: Very effective health of ear, nose, throat, eyes & brain. It is very effective in patients sufferinf from sinusitis, chronic allergic sinusitis, nasal polyp, loss of smell & taste, Bel’s palsy ( facial paralysis). It helps to improve memory, eyesight, insomnia, migrane, greying of hair, clarity of voice, neurological disorders etc.

5) Raktamokshan – cleans the blood, reduces oedema, local infection and is effective in thinning of blood.