Suryanamaskar has a good effect on the Shatchakras (plexus) that are located in the various parts of our body. There are seven Shatchakras in our body. Shatchakras are the energy sources in our body.

Suryanamaskar creates a very positive effect on the muscles, spine, digestion, respiration, circulatory system and nervous system in our body.It also aids in controlling and maintaining the functions of the endochrine glands. Suryanamaskar in combination with Pranayam maintains a proper balance of energy at the various plexus. This balance of energy levels in the plexus maintains harmony among all the systems in the body.

Let us understand the important Shatchakras (plexus) their location, organs related to them and the effect of Suryanamaskar poses on the respective plexus.

1. Muladhar Chakra

Location : Region between anal opening and urinal opening

Organs : Both legs, hip joint, anal opening, urinal opening, ovaries, testes.

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

  1. In Namaskar pose & Hastapadasan hold in mulabandh as a result there is pressure over the Muladhar chakra
  2. In Uttanasan & Adhomukhshvanasan there is a stretch on Muladhar chakra

2. Swadishtan Chakra

Location : Region between pubic bone & sacrum

Organs : Urinary bladder, rectum, uterus, large intestine, prostrate gland, urethra.

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

  1. In Uttanasan, Adhomukhshvanasan & Ardhbhujangasan pressure is created on Swadishtan chakra
  2. In Urdhvahastasan & Bhujangasan there is a stretch on Swadishtan chakra

3. Manipur Chakra

Location : Navel & pelvic region

Organs : Small intestine, liver, spleen, kidneys, gall bladder, stomach.

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

In Uttanasan, Adhomukhshvanasan & Ashtangastithi pressure is created on Manipur chakra.

4. Anahat Chakra

Location : Region between heart and thoracic vertebrae.

Organs : Heart, lungs, large arteries, hands, diaphragm.

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

  1. In Urdhvahastasan, Ardhbhujangasan, Bhujangasan, Ashtangstithi & Adhomukhshvanasan there is a stretch on Anahat chakra
  2. In Hastapadasan there is slight pressure on Anahat chakra

5. Vishudh Chakra

Location : Region between cervical vertebrae and larynx box.

Organs : Larynx, thyroid, parathyroid gland, tonsils, salivary glands, trachea, oesaphagus, throat.

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

  1. In Ashtangstithi (Jalandhar bandh) there is pressure on Vishudh chakra.
  2. In Urdhvahastasan, Ardhabhujanagasan & Bhujangasan there is a stretch on Vishudh chakra.
  3. While reciting Suryamantras vibrations are caused in this chakra.

6. Adnya Chakra

Location : Exactly between the eyebrows

Organs : Cerebrum & Cerebellum (the large and small brain) & eyes, nose, ears, tongue ( sensory organs)

Suryanamaskar pose and its effects :

  1. Uttanasan, Adhomukhshvanasan & Ashtangastithi being head low poses help in direct blood supply to the brains and this brings calmness to Adnya chakra.
  2. In Namaskarstithi, Urdhvahastasan, Ardhbhujangasan & Bhujangasan this chara reaches high energy levels.

7. Sahastrar Chakra

Location : Crown of the head, the shallow part on the head

Once we have gained control over the 6 chakras we can get control over Sahastrat chakra.

Pressure & stretch created on the chakras help us to achieve a balanced state of body & mind.

Pressure created on chakras aids the release of toxins into the blood stream. The contraction & relaxation of chakras caused by the sequence of poses in Suryanamaskar and the pressure and stretch caused on the chakras helps in effecient supply of pure blood with nutrients to the respective organs.

Therefore Suryanamaskar helps in the total metabolism and also creates a balance in the state of body and mind.